5 Easy Eco-Friendly Cleaning Ideas

Published on Dec 16, 2022

ways to go green with your cleaning

Despite what Kermit says, it actually can be easy being green.

The trick is knowing where to begin.

Our environmentally friendly yet easy cleaning tips will get you on your way – enjoy!


5 Ways to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

It is getting simpler to be sustainable – in fact, many of our below suggestions involve utilising what you already have at home. And the things you need to invest in will cost you far less in the long run.

Sounds like a win, win in our books.

Even implementing just a few of these can make a difference.


eco friendly house cleaning

1. Ditch the paper towel

We know it’s convenient. But most paper towels you grab from the supermarket can’t be recycled.

Here’s why you need to find a paper towel alternative, according to environmental site Green Matters:

  • Paper towel production contributes to deforestation. When paper towels go into our waterways, they effectively pollute our oceans due to the chemicals and bleaches they leave behind.

  • Paper towel trash goes into landfill, where they generate methane as they break down.

Environmental concerns aside, paper towels are an expense that many of us could do without. Swapping out this single use product and its plastic packaging for a reusable option could save you a lot of cash.

Here are some other more sustainable options instead of cleaning with paper towel on a regular basis.

  • Microfibre cloths. These work well because their microscopic fibres are able to pick up a lot of dust and dirt. They can be washed and reused, plus come in a variety of colours so you can dedicate a cloth to each task/room of your home, to avoid cross-contamination.

  • Alternate rags. Utilise old towels or clothing you were planning on discarding for cleaning purposes.

  • Try to find recyclable options when buying – this article from Choice has some great advice on how to make the right paper towel decision.


2. Bring on the baking soda

eco friendly cleaning with baking soda

Buy this magical product in bulk!

Baking soda is one of the most revered green cleaning products that can be used for a variety of chores around the home.

These are some of the best uses.

  • Pop half a cup on the top shelf of the fridge to keep odours at bay. Swap out every couple of months.

  • Mix it with water to create a paste that can get your grout lines grime-free.

  • Scrub your bathtub by creating a baking soda paste. Apply to your tub, and let it sit for 10 minutes before giving it a scrub and rinse.

We love cleaning with this wonder – here are some other baking soda for cleaning uses you’re going to love.


3. Remember to repurpose

eco-friendly repurposing

With a little imagination, you’d be surprised how many items around your home can be repurposed.

We’ve done the research for you and found the best items you can give a brand-new life to.

  • Utilise old toothbrushes for scrubbing tricky hard-to-reach areas or grimy grout lines.

  • Socks are great as gloves.

  • Coffee grounds are excellent as an abrasive cleaner.

  • Old clothes can be used as washable cloths.

  • Old furniture can also be given a new lease on life by repainting or using in a different room.

  • Candle or food jars can be desk organisers, lolly jars or bathroom storage options. In my home, we recently put bath salts in an empty candle jar on the bathroom shelf, and it looks fantastic.


4. Make your own

make your own cleaner

It’s a convenient and eco-friendly option that will completely change your cleaning game.

Better yet, you can create your own cleaners using common pantry items and use these mixes for a range of cleaning chores.

By leaving behind harsh chemicals, you’re creating a safer option for your family and limiting how many toxins are leaching into our waterways.

This blog provides a comprehensive starting point for cleaning naturally at home but here are a few places to begin.


Natural Vinegar Cleaner Recipe

  1. A 1:1 mix of water and vinegar is a spectacular window cleaner.

  2. Soak your showerhead in a plastic bag of vinegar for undeniable sheen.

  3. Using a cup of vinegar in an empty dishwasher cycle gives a dirty unit a fresh shine.


How to Clean Using Baking Soda

  1. Use baking soda on your grout lines for an effective way to treat grime.

  2. Pots or pans with stuck-on food? Soak with baking soda and water for an abrasive clean that works wonders when paired with a little elbow grease.

  3. Baking soda is also great at cleaning your oven.

Check out this article for some more natural cleaning ideas.


5. Shop smarter

how to make shopping more sustainable

Being eco-friendly can be just as easy as being a little wiser while you’re shopping.

There is increasing consumer demand for more sustainable, eco-friendly, and ethical products.

While many businesses are working hard to turn the tide, some have employed marketing tactics that make you think you’re purchasing green, when very little has changed about the product at all.

Authorities are trying to crack down on this phenomenon, but in the meantime, you can look for stamps from third-party certifiers such as Fairtrade, B corp, and Rainforest Alliance Certified, or aim to clean with more natural products (see our previous section).


Keep Your Home Clean with Electrodry

For some other ideas and inspiration on how to enhance your home, visit Electrodry, Australia’s professional home service experts.

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