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4 Simple Ways to Save Money at Home

Published on Nov 11, 2022

clever ways to save on household expenses

As the cost of living gets tighter and tighter, we’re all looking for ways to save.

Just a few easy tweaks at home could really help get your budget back on track.

Here’s where to begin.


4 Ways to Cut Household Costs

As grocery, petrol, and electricity prices (and everything else!) continue to steadily climb, cutting costs where you can is more important than ever.

These are our 5 thrifty tips to save a little cash at home.


1. Food Financials

Groceries encompass a large portion of most household budgets. Canstar recently estimated the average Australian household’s weekly grocery spend to be $203. That’s likely on the low end for many of us, which can add up over the course of a year.

If you’re feeling the pinch at the supermarket checkout, we have a few ways you can save on your grocery bill.

Ways to save on food expenses at home

  • Meal planning is a great way to ensure you’re not doubling up on items and are making the most of what you pick up in the aisles.

  • Shop online instead of in-store, or at least do some research before you head into your local supermarket. Check what day the specials start and structure your meals for the following week around what’s on sale. Having a plan means you won’t pick up anything you don’t need.

  • Pop fresh fruit that is starting to rot into the freezer. Items like bananas and spinach are ideal for this and can be put into things like smoothies when you want them.

  • Keep a shopping list either on your phone or the fridge for you to update when something runs out. You’ll be making the most of your shopping time.

  • If your supplies are running low, websites such as My Fridge Food or SuperCook can provide recipes based on what you have left in your pantry or fridge. You’ll minimise your food wastage and avoid hitting the shops for things you don’t need.

  • Plan to eat at home where you can – Australian spend around $230 every month on fast food and restaurant dining on average, according to a Commonwealth Bank Survey.

  • Keep your freezer full because a full freezer consumes less energy. Fill it up with any meat specials you come across at your local supermarket. Better yet, cook in bulk so you have dinners on standby for those busy weeknights.

  • Consider buying generic. Many home brands taste quite similar and you could make some great savings.

  • Make snacks instead of buying. And rethink your morning coffee routine by making your own at home. There are more expensive options out there, but you can pick up a simple coffee machine for around $300 and a bag of ground beans should put you back around $30. With some coffee shops charging upwards of $6 for a coffee, you’ll make that money up in no time.



tips on how to save on laundry costs

2. Be A Laundry Legend

Doing the laundry is an endless cycle (pun intended) for any busy household, but there are a couple of things you can do to turn the spending tide.

How to save reduce the cost of your laundry

  • Always do a full load to save on energy costs.

  • Switch to washing your clothes in cold water if you don’t already. Most detergents will work just as well, and you could see a slight difference in your energy bill.

  • Many of us become reliant on our dryers during winter, which can put a lot of heat on our electricity costs. Purchase portable clothes drying line or use your clothesline again and make the most of the sunshine. 



clever ways to save money

3. Get Thrifty

Being thrifty can be quite simple – sometimes it takes a little extra effort, but the cost benefits can be worth it.

Clever ways to cut down costs at home

  • Making your cleaning products could save you a great deal in the long run. Believe it or not, white vinegar and baking soda can be utilised for myriad chores around the home – all-natural, a fraction of the cost, and usually just as effective. Not sure where to begin? Our cleaning kit article can get you off to a fantastic start.

  • Check out your local dollar store for standard household items – check against what you usually pay before you purchase though!

  • If you’re doing DIY projects, consider hiring or borrowing any special equipment you need instead of buying. The same goes for kitchen items too. A neighbour may have what you need for that job you need to do around the house or a special recipe.

  • Instead of buying paper towels for cleaning, repurpose old clothing or towels as cleaning rags.

  • Cancel any memberships or subscriptions that you’re not using. Also, assess what apps you’re using on your phone that could be costing you cash. Check what your kids are putting on your account, too.

  • Feel like you’re constantly buying batteries? Ditch the disposables and invest in rechargeable batteries, instead.



how to reduce your electricity bill

4. Be Energy Efficient

Energy bills are definitely one of the biggest budget busters and the rates just seem to keep increasing. Get switched onto savings with our pointers.

How to save on utility bills

  • Every degree counts when it comes to your air conditioner – keep an eye on temperatures.

  • If your air conditioner or heater is running, make sure that all closet doors and the doors of rooms you aren’t in are closed to keep the heat/cool air in.

  • Where you can, unplug unused electronics and appliances. Turn any lights off if you’re not going to be in the room.

  • Check windows and doors for any gaps and seal them to ensure you’re keeping the heat in or out where you need to.

  • If it’s cool outside, resist turning on the heater as much as you can – invest in warm blankets instead.

  • Always run a full dishwasher load to avoid wasting water and electricity.

  • Take shorter showers.

  • It might be a bit of a cost at the outset, but when bulbs need replacing, energy-efficient LED bulbs can reduce your energy costs.

  • Compare energy suppliers on sites like iselect or Energy Made Easy to ensure you receive the best rate. Victorians can use Victorian Energy Compare for their state’s best deals.



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