Rugs, Rugs and Rugs – Why They Are so Important

Published on May 23, 2017

benefits of using rugs

Rugs are often chosen as a floor covering based on how they look and feel, but did you know they also have a positive impact on the indoor air quality of your home and the longevity of your carpet? Rugs are an important part of our home décor, especially in homes with a large percentage of hard flooring.

Rugs brighten up a room and give warmth and comfort for those who walk, sit and sometimes lie on the rugs. When placed on top of the carpet, they protect the carpet from traffic, spills and abrasive soils thus slowing down the wear process and protecting your carpet. After all, it’s much easier to replace a rug than a whole house of carpet.


Why are rugs good for your health?

the benefits of using area rugs

You may have heard that carpeted houses have better indoor air quality than houses with hard floors. This is because carpet acts like a filter, pulling airborne pollutants out of the air, trapping pollutants until they are removed with vacuuming or professional carpet cleaning. Naturally, rugs act like carpet in the house, acting as a filter for airborne pollutants. So, if you’ve got family members with asthma or allergies and you have large areas of hard floors in your home, buy a few rugs! Just vacuum them regularly, front and back and get professional carpet cleaning done on a regular basis.

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