Easy Guide: Removing Milk Stains from Carpet Like a Pro

Published on May 17, 2017 | Updated - Jun 14, 2023

how to clean spilled milk on carpet

We’ve all been told not to cry over spilt milk … but when a milk spill happens on your carpet, it’s hard not to feel a little emotional.

If a milk spill isn’t treated correctly, and quickly it can leave a terrible smell in addition to forming a stain on the carpet.

Here’s what to do.



How to Get Milk Out of Carpet

Milk is prone to stain carpets because the fat and protein in milk will stick to the carpet fibres and backing, providing a great food source for bacteria. If the milk isn’t cleaned up, the result can be a horrible smell.

So, what about skim milk? With a lower fat content, skim milk is likely to cause less damage than full-fat milk. So, if the kids spill full-fat milk, then time is of the essence. If skim milk is spilt, then your response time isn’t quite as important.

You still need to act, however. Here’s what you need to do when milk makes a mess.


What you'll need:

  • Clean cloth or paper towels
  • Warm (not hot) water
  • Dish soap
  • Sponge
  • Thick absorbent towel
  • Electro 3 Spot and Stain Remover
  • Ammonia



  1. For a fresh milk spill, blot using a clean cloth or paper towel placing heavy downward pressure on the towel.
  2. Mix two cups of warm water with one tablespoon of dishwashing detergent. DO NOT use hot water as this may set the stain. Sponge the stain using the diluted detergent solution and blot dry using a clean white cloth or paper towel.
  3. Rinse the stain with fresh water by sponging the area and blotting with a thick absorbent cloth. We recommend using a towel folded double and either standing on the towel or applying downward pressure with your knuckles. Keep blotting until you’re unable to remove any more moisture from the carpet.
  4. As a final step, we recommend lightly spraying the carpet with Electro 3 Carpet Stain Remover and wiping it with a clean cloth. This will help remove any remaining stains in addition to any invisible fat from the milk still attached to the carpet fibres.


If a stain remains and you do not have Electro 3, mix one tablespoon of ammonia with two cups of warm water. Using the ammonia solution, sponge onto the stain and blot dry.

Repeat step 3, thoroughly rinsing the carpet (failure to rinse away all the ammonia may cause long-term damage to the carpet fibres so only use ammonia if absolutely necessary).

If flavoured milk is spilt, follow the steps above but as flavoured milk contains a dye, you may not be able to completely remove the stain. We suggest immediately calling your Electrodry carpet cleaning technician on 13 27 13 for further assistance.


Essential Milk Stain Removal FAQs

Are Milk Stains Permanent?

Are milk stains permanent?

If you have a milk stain that’s already dried, it can be rectified. It requires patience, but it’s just as easy and affordable as tackling a fresh spill.

You’ll have to rehydrate the protein before you stand a chance of removing the stain. To do this, soak the stain as best you can, and if you like, add detergent.

Take 2 cups of warm water and mix it with one tablespoon of liquid hand dishwashing detergent. Take a damp, white cloth and moisten it with this mixture.

Use the cloth to soak up any remaining milk from the affected area of the carpet. Continue blotting the area until the stain has disappeared.


What does milk do to light-coloured carpet?

What Does Milk Do to Light-Coloured Carpet?

If you have a white or cream-coloured carpet, and you can’t really see the stain, that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to treat the spill. Carpet is carpet!

The fat and protein in milk will stick to the carpet fibres and backing, providing a great food source for bacteria and if the milk isn’t cleaned up, the result can be a horrible smell.

In addition, while you might not be able to see the stain if you have white or light-coloured carpet, over time dirt will stick to any milk residue that remains in the carpet resulting in a dark stain.


Can I use vinegar to clean spilled milk?

Can I Use Vinegar to Clean Spilled Milk?

You can also use vinegar for removing milk stains instead of detergent. Each step is the same except you will want to do away with the warm water and use cold water and vinegar instead.

The cold water will help to cut down some of the acidity of the vinegar and not cause a possible reaction like warmer water would.



The Most Common Drink Stains on Carpet and How to Treat Them

What are Common Stains in Carpets?

Milk is a tough one, but when it comes to carpets, there are other stains that are particularly problematic.

As stain removal experts, Electrodry has some inside knowledge on how to treat them. This is what you need to treat each stain, with more treatment details available via the link.

Wine StainsGrab the white vinegar, paper towels, and dishwasher soap and get to work on the stain as soon as possible.

Coffee StainsNever fear when your morning coffee ends up on the carpet. Vinegar, dish soap and a stain remover will do the trick.

Blood StainsActing quickly is imperative. Dish soap will be your best friend here!

Pet StainsUrine stains are challenging. White vinegar is helpful, but an enzymatic cleaner is the real hero. An enzymatic cleaning product breaks down the uric salts, which are responsible for that putrid smell.

Unfortunately, some stains can’t be removed. It is usually because a stain has been left too long and has penetrated the fibres and the subfloor underneath.

Recommended Reading Category: Stain Treatment Tips



How do professionals get milk smell out of carpet?

How Do Professionals Get the Milk Smell Out of Carpet

If you’ve treated the spill, but you can smell an odour from the milk after several days, then it’s likely that some of the milk has penetrated through to the backing of the carpet and underlay.

Your Electrodry carpet cleaning technician will be able to inject an anti-bacterial/anti-fungal product into the carpet and underlay to permanently remove the cause of this odour.

Give your local Electrodry technician a call on 13 27 13 or book online.

More Stain Treatment Guides For Drink Spills

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