How to Clean A Dirty Washing Machine Naturally

Published on Jul 26, 2020

diy natural way to clean a washing machine

Cleaning your washing machine is the cleaning world’s latest craze. But why is it important? For years, you’ve likely been neglecting one of your home’s most regularly used appliances.

Your washing machine is susceptible to myriad bacteria and germs thanks to your laundry’s humidity, soap residue build-up and any remnants your dirty clothes have left behind in the wash.

Here is how to get the job done.


Why should you clean your washing machine?

mouldy washing machine filter

While a hot water cycle will clean your machine, you need to run an empty load once a month for cleaning purposes. There are a few reasons why your machine gets filthy.

  • Soap residue build up from your washing powder or liquid can clog up your pipes and crevices of your unit.

  • Detergents can also leave behind a dirty film that bacteria can get trapped in.

  • Bacteria can also be caused due to dirty clothes leaving behind gunk that hasn’t been flushed out properly during the wash.

  • Bacteria will thrive in the hot and humid conditions of your laundry.


How to Clean A Washing Machine With Baking Soda and Vinegar


What you'll need

  • 2 cups of white vinegar

  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda

  • scrubbing brush

  • microfibre cleaning cloth



  1. This time, you’ll be running an empty load using the hot water and large load settings. Pour the vinegar into the basin, hit ‘start’ and let it fill.

  2. Stop the machine after just a few minutes, add the baking soda, let it run for a further couple of minutes and then stop it again.

  3. While the machine isn’t running, let the vinegar, baking soda and water sit for around an hour. Shine up the outside of your machine while you wait and use your scrubbing brush to get into hard-to-reach places.

  4. After an hour, run the cycle through to the end. You’ll love hearing the machine beep and not having to hang any washing out!

  5. Run another hot water cycle to flush everything out. We recommend wiping the inside of the unit down with a clean and dry microfibre cloth to really make it shine.


Why is baking soda and vinegar effective for cleaning?

freshly cleaned washing machine

Vinegar will eliminate built up grime and sanitise your machine. The baking soda has cleaning properties while it will neutralise odours, too.

As the mixture drains away, your pipes will get a good clean as well.


How to Keep Your Washing Machine Clean

You should be completing the above cleaning method about once a month. In addition, you should be following the below pointers.

how to keep your washing machine clean

You should be completing the above cleaning method about once a month. In addition, you should be following the below pointers.

  • Don’t overload the machine! Your unit will have to work extra hard if this is done repeatedly, which may clog up the pipes.

  • Get the clothes out of your machine as soon as you hear that beep. I’ve been guilty of it – you put a load on, get distracted and think it’s okay to hang it out hours later. Doing this can breed bacteria, especially in a humid area. Run another cycle if it has been left for a while.

  • Leave the lid or door open after a wash, and as much as possible. The basin will dry out to prevent mould and bacteria growth.

  • Keep mess to a minimum in your laundry, particularly spilled detergent or powder. Some may have chemicals that cause corrosion or over time or build up in your pipes and drain.

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